We were thrilled to welcome press partners at the 2023 Forum.
Here’s a selection of articles covering the event and interviews with speakers.
Corriere del Ticino, La fine della guerra dipenderà dalle elezioni americane. Bruno Giussani, 24.06.23 (The end of the war will depend on the U.S. elections).
Le Temps, François Hollande: «Le changement, c’est bientôt». Paul Ackermann speaks with former French President François Hollande, 15.06.23. (François Hollande: “Change is coming soon”).
All news, Le soutien aux marchés privés suisses reste insuffisant. Nicolette de Joncaire speaks with Adam Said, founder of the Global Investment Foundation and Founding Partner of Ace&Company. 23.06.23 (Support for private markets remains insufficient).
Tribune de Genève, «Le trip est bénéfique pour guérir certaines dépressions» . Nicolas Pinguely speaks with Sa’ad Shah, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Noetic. 17.06.2023 (“The trip is beneficial for curing certain types of depression”).