Highlights from the 2023 Forum and Dates for the 2024 Edition

Thank you to all of those who attended the 2023 Global Investment Forum!

Our event this year was marked by the general outlook of our community for the possibilities ahead. We were reminded that, indeed, in the face of uncertainties, resilience and persistence are paramount in allowing true transformation to unfold.

Former French President François Hollande shared valuable knowledge on the current geopolitical crisis, the rise of populism, the growing polarization of opinions, and the risks to democracy. Investors from across the globe gave a compelling outlook on the potential implications of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and decentralized finance. We also heard a number of inspiring personal journeys from next-gen investors, entrepreneurs as well as established thought-leaders and we hope that these talks and stories have inspired our community to make more insightful decisions.

We firmly believe that our platform provides a space for fostering ideas and we look forward to pursuing our mission with the Global Investment Foundation, building on the knowledge and learnings of this year’s conference. We’re happy to share the videos and photos from our event will soon be made available on our website. In the meantime, feel free to visit our media library for videos from our past editions.

The event would not be a success without the support of all our partners who share a commitment to delivering an exceptional experience: ACE & Company, Citi Private Bank, IPGHowden, Swissquote, Avantegarde Finance, Agio Digital and Jetfly.

We are thrilled to announce the dates of our next forum: the 8th edition of the Global Investment Forum will take place June 13th & 14th, 2024!

Once again, thank you to our community for your active participation, engagement, and commitment to driving positive change in the investment landscape.

Follow us on Linkedin, Instagram and YouTube to get updates and news from our Foundation.

Write to info@globalinvestmentfoundation.com for more information on our organisation and programs.

Finally, here are a few photos from the event. More to come soon!

Photo credits: Pierre Augier / Global Investment Fondation

Find the speakers featured on our speakers page here: https://globalinvestmentfoundation.com/speakers/

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